Participation and Observation: The
Detached Researcher VS The Citizen or Ethics in Social Science Research.
One of the key methods that us qualitative/ ethnographic
researchers use is a technique known as participant observation.
This involves us going to a particular study sight and immersing
ourselves in the social situation that we want to study. For example classic studies have involved
researchers working in factories or
taking the role of a psychiatric hospital patient. Adopting such an
approach is very different from using a
questionnaire or a survey or such like and poses very specific challenges for
the researcher in the field. The classic model of research may conceptualise the researcher as some sort of detached objective automaton. However, the reality is very different as we are not just "researchers" we have other roles and responsibilities that cannot just be forgotten or ignored during the research period. These
challenges that manifest themselves while conducting social research may be quite trivial but at other times they can open up a whole can
of methodological and ethical questions
that the researcher has to resolve on the hoof as it were.
To explore these I was going to use an
example from my own research career to explore how such things can manifest
themselves. The incident happened when I
was conducting research in the Ambulance Service when I was with an emergency
medical service (EMS) paramedic crew. To
put this incident in to context you need to be aware that previous to my
research career I had had some seven years working in the Ambulance Service and
that many of those that provided the focus of the research were former colleagues
who I had previously worked with. We had arrived at the hospital with a routine
admission and the crew were waiting in a side corridor for a piece of equipment
to transfer the patient from the Ambulance stretcher onto a trolley so that they may be transferred to a clinic.
As we waited in the corridor an ambulance liaison assistant came running after
us and said that they had just received a call that a five hour old baby had
stopped breathing some two miles down
the road.
The paramedic ran to take the
details of the call from ambulance control, while the emergency medical
technician (EMT) and myself transferred the patient on to the trolley by hand
and grabbed the stretcher. On this occasion, in the heat of the moment,
I completely forgot my role as a researcher and suspended my role as observer. The
EMT and I ran through the corridors of the hospital toward the ambulance. I was
in front, in civilian clothes, shouting at members of the public to get out of
the way. When we got to the ambulance we
threw the stretcher in the back . Having worked in the ambulance service I was
fully aware that incidents involving children and infants elicit greater urgency, and on this call, all the
stops were out. The journey to the incident was a very silent affair with none
of the jokes or banter that often characterizes the journey to emergency calls.
I felt sick; my heart was pumping and my
mouth dry. The EMT and myself prepared the equipment that we thought may be
needed at scene; we worked as a team of three. I was no longer adopting the
role of the professional stranger that is often associated with the role of researcher/ ethnographer but was now acting as a member of the ambulance crew. This
may have been some sort of coping mechanism on my part to deal with the
situation that I now found myself in........ (To be continued)
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