It started like any other June day and who was I to know that
it would end with the death my hopes and aspirations for an organised working class
for at least the next ten years.
At the time of the
great miners dispute of 1984- 85 I was living in Sheffield. I was there as a refugee from the worst
effects of the early 80s recession in South Wales. The miner’s strike had started and escalated
around the March time of 1984 and already I had been involved in organising a
number of benefit and support activities.
Coming from the mining area of South Wales and having two grandfathers
who were miners I felt a strong sense of solidarity with the NUM, their members
and the dispute. I had also seen what
the Thatcher Government had done to the steelworkers of Sheffield in 1980. I
was under no doubt that the Tories being Tories were intent on ending the
problem, as they saw it, of organised labour.
As I said the day started as any other June day. My girlfriend at the time was working in
Worksop which was in the Nottinghamshire coalfield area. The news had gone round, god knows how in
those pre internet, mobile phone and social media days, that there was to be a
mass picket at the Orgreave plant on the outskirts of Sheffield on that day. I knew
that a number of my colleagues from work were intending to attend the
demonstration and that there were coach loads of miners coming from all over
the country were coming as well. My intention was to drop my girlfriend off at
work and then go to the demonstration.
At this point Nottinghamshire had not been turned into the fortress that
it would later become with police road blocks on every road in and out of the county.
Therefore the journey to Worksop was straightforward. As I was returning and
nearing Sheffield and the M1 I could see
coaches of miners pulling off the
motorway on to The Parkway road that led
to Orgreave. At the time I had a blue Transit van that I used for my work. I followed some distance behind the coaches
toward the turn off for Orgreave. As the coaches took the turning in to
Orgreave there was a strong police presence and as the coaches past by, the
police moved like some blackened scaled lizard across to block the road. As I tried to follow the coaches I was
stopped by the police line. I told them
that I wanted to join the demonstration but was told in no uncertain terms to
continue down the Parkway and that if I didn’t I would be arrested.
I knew the area well
and I thought as it is pointless trying to argue with the police to get through
the police road block I could take some
of the back roads I knew around Catcliffe and get to Orgreave on foot across
the fields. However, when I got there it
was obvious that the police had thought of that as well. There were police everywhere and many with
dogs and no matter which way I tried to get across the fields there were police
there to turn me back. From what I could
see though there were police everywhere
with the pickets vastly outnumbered.
From what I saw that day the so called “Battle of Orgreave” was no
battle at all but a straight forward planned ambush by the police on the miners
with the distinct impression of teaching them a lesson. I was still a tad young and naïve in those
days and had been shocked in the first instance that the police had prevented
me attending a demonstration. I was still stupid enough to believe that we
lived in a free country where we were allowed to protest. Also that day I
witnessed, and not for the last time during that year, what could only be
described as wanton police violence toward the protestors. From what I could tell these were not just
the local South Yorkshire constabulary but police that had been drawn in from
all over the country and with what looked like instructions to do a very
specific job which they carried out with gusto.
I could see no purpose in me running around the Catcliffe
fields so I returned to my van to drive home. As I drove home the heat of the
summer’s day started to kick in. I was
confused, angry and shocked by what I had seen.
I remember pulling in to a lay by on the way home as my head was
swimming with the emotions I had running through my head. I had been stopped from attending what was a lawful
and planned demonstration and threatened with arrest. From what I had seen the miners arrived in
good spirits but were then just led into a trap by the police where they were
corralled, surrounded, charged with horses and then just beaten up. Again not for the last time during this
dispute I was torn apart by the deep injustice of what I had just seen. In my
stupid naïve mind I was convinced that when the people of Britain found out
about what had happened this day there would be a national outcry and the
police would be disciplined for their behaviour, what a schmuck I was!!!
That evening in my flat I eagerly awaited the six o’clock
news fully expecting the fair and trustworthy BBC to recount the horrors that I
had seen that day. I looked on in
disgust and dismay as the news reports painted a picture of rioting out of
control miners attacking the police who valiantly fought back in order to
restore law and order to this mindless rabble.
The news reports left you in no doubt that if you had any sympathy for
this bunch of mindless vandals led by that raving loon Scargill you too must be
part of this “enemy within”. Later it
emerged that these news reports had run some of the footage in reverse,
“inadvertently” as the BBC later claimed.
The worst thing was over the coming weeks and months so many people
bought it. Many people who maybe didn’t
particularly think of themselves as Tory supporters but just “right thinking”
or “sensible” just bought in to the lie, hook, line and sinker that these
militant miners were out of control and that sensible Maggie was being
reasonable. Not the reality that this vanguard of the working class were
fighting for their jobs, their families and their communities and the right of
ordinary working people to have some say in the way that this country is run.
Following that fateful day at Orgreave ninety-five picketers
were charged with riot, unlawful assembly and similar offences. A number of
these were put on trial in 1987, therefore having to endure two years of stress and uncertainty,
but the trials collapsed, all charges were dropped and a number of lawsuits
were brought against the police for assault, unlawful arrest and malicious
prosecution. South Yorkshire Police later agreed to pay £425,000 compensation
and £100,000 in legal costs to 39 pickets in an out of court settlement.
Nevertheless, no officers have ever been disciplined for misconduct. Michael
Mansfield the noted QC described the evidence given by South Yorkshire Police
as "the biggest frame-up ever".
Some of the younger readers of this might say ah well this
was in the past this would never happen now.
Move on old man the world is very different now. I would love to say that were the case but
beware the arrogance of youth. Working class history is never taught in our
schools. We are always told what great
states people Churchill and Thatcher were, but the real great people of this
country are ordinary working people,
they are the ones who really make this nation. Peterloo in Manchester in 1819 is an example of how this is not the first time working people have been
charged by horses for standing up for their rights. There are also lessons for us today to be
learned from what happened that day in Orgreave. A couple of years ago I was in London when
the UK Uncut group peacefully occupied Fortnum and Masons and as if to prove
that old adage “history repeats itself, first time as tragedy second time as
farce” the police went in heavy handed and arrested a load of mainly youngsters
for what appeared to be no other purpose than to intimidate them and “teach them a lesson” about protesting in
the future. I was inspired by those
young people and again angry at the
injustice that they suffered just for wanting to protest at injustice in the UK
and to have their voices heard, is that so much to ask for??. Those who were attacked at Orgreave are still
awaiting truth and justice and we should
all continue to seek it. Both Orgreave
and Fortnum and Masons have lessons for us all. As I said at the beginning of this piece for
me the hope for an organised working class died that June day in Orgreave, but
then, as has happened so often in my life, I was wrong. It did take me a long time to recover my hwyl
(look it up) but I did get it back eventually but as the inspiration I took
from the occupation of Fortnum and Masons showed me we are never really
defeated until we get to the point where we stop trying.
Don’t believe what I saw with my own eyes? Looks like other people saw the same as well.
This is my truth, tell
me yours.